PT Salma Kopi Indonesia Coffee Exporter Coffee From Sumatra Coffee Beans Mandailing Coffee Toraja Coffee Indonesia Robusta Coffee Indonesia Arabica Coffee The Best Indonesia Coffee List sumatra coffee robusta lombok rinjani

Our Coffee

Lombok Robusta Coffee

We provide robusta coffee from Lombok Island with all grades (Fine Robusta, Grade 1 Robusta, Grade 2 Robusta, Grade 3 Robusta).

Origin: Rempek Village, North Lombok, Indonesia
Farmer: Pak Ibnu
Crop: Late 2021
Process: Classic Natural
Varietal: Tugusari
Score: 81,75 (fine robusta grade)
Moisture: 12%
Size: 16-18

Gayo Arabica Coffee

We provide arabica coffee from Sumatra Island with all grades (Specialty Arabica, Grade 1 Arabica, Grade 2 Arabica, Grade 3 Arabica).

Origin: Atu Lintang Village, Central Aceh, Indonesia
Farmer: Pak Isfariyanto
Crop: Late 2021
Process: Natural, Honey, Fullwash, Semiwash, Fermented Natural.
Varietal: Catimor and Timor
Score: 88.3 (natural process specialty grade)
Moisture: 12%
Size: 14-17

Java Arabica Coffee

We provide arabica coffee from Java Island with  Specialty Grade and Grade 1 Arabica.

Origin: Argopuro Mountain, East Java, Indonesia
Farmer: Pak Ahmad Muhlisin
Crop: Late 2021
Process: Natural, Fermented Natural.
Varietal: Kartika and Lini-S
Score: 89 (natural process specialty grade)
Moisture: 12%
Size: 14-16

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